HW8.1 TCP header fields


HW8.2 Sliding window flow control



HW8.3 CWND in slow start and congestion avoidance


HW8.4. TCP sender conditions

截屏2022-12-18 下午4.25.52.png

The sender in this scenario is RWND-limited - it has plenty of data to send, and it is allowed to send more data according to CWND, but the receiver is not prepared to receive much data. It can send 7265 - 5000 = 2265 bytes.


The sender in this scenario is application-limited - the limiting factor is not CWND or RWND, but rather the rate at which the application adds data to the send buffer. It can send 3501 bytes.

截屏2022-12-18 下午7.02.27.png

The sender in this scenario is CWND-limited - it has plenty of data to send, and the receiver has space in its receive buffer, but the sender is restricted by CWND.

It can send 10000 - 5000 bytes.